MINUTES OF MEETING LANDINGS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regularmeeting ofthe Board ofSupervisorsofthe Landings CommunityDevelopment District was held Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. at the Offices of Chiumento Law, 145 City Place, Unit 301, Palm Coast, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Jeffrey Douglas Chairman Justin Frye Appointed as Vice Chairman Walker Douglas Assistant Secretary Greg Eckley Assistant Secretary Toby Tobin Assistant Secretary Also present were: George Flint District Manager Michael Chiumento, III District Counsel Jeremy LeBrun by phone GMS Daniel Welch by phone District Engineer FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Flint called the meeting to order and called the roll. Four Board members were present constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period There being no comments, the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the July 21, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting and Acceptance of Minutes ofthe July 21, 2023 Audit Committee Meeting Mr. Flint presented the minutes from the July 21, 2023 Board of Supervisors meeting and Audit Committee meeting. He asked for any comments, questions, or corrections. Hearing no changes from the Board, there was a motion of approval. December 21, 2023 Landings CDD On MOTION by Mr. Eckley, seconded by Mr. Walker Douglas, with all in favor, the Minutes from the July 21,2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting were approved and the Minutes of the July 21,2023 Audit Committee Meeting, were accepted, as presented. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters A. Consideration of Resignations Mr.FlintstatedthatMr.Rootwas involved in a motorcycle accident and was having health issues. He noted that Mr. Root was not in a position to be able to continue to serve on the Board. He stated that District Counsel spoke with Mr. Root and Mr. Root was not in a situation to be able to compose a letter or send an email at this point, but Mr. Root verbally submitted his resignation to Mr. Chiumento III. Mr. Flint explained that he did receive an email from Mr Chiumento III to put in the record. The Board accepted Mr. Root's resignation. On MOTION by Mr. Jeffrey Douglas, seconded by Mr. Eckley, with all infavor,Accepting Mr. DavidRoot'sResignation, wasapproved. B. Consideration of Appointments of Individuals to Fulfill Vacancies in Certain Seats Mr. Flint explained that the vacancy has a term expiring in November 2024 . He asked for any nominations to fill this vacancy. Mr. Justin Frye was nominated to fill the vacancy. On MOTION by Mr. Jeffrey Douglas, seconded by Mr. Walker Douglas, with all in favor, Appointing Justin Frye to the Board of Supervisors, was approved. C. Administration of Oaths of Office Mr.Flintadministeredtheoath ofofficetoJustinFrye. Henotedthat Mr. Frye wasentitled to compensation as a Board member under Chapter 190. He asked Mr. Frye if he accepts compensation or waives it. Mr. Frye responded that he would waive the compensation. D. Election ofOfficers Mr. Flint presented the Election of Officers. E. Consideration ofResolution 2024-01 Electing Officers Mr. Flint presented Resolution 2024-01 to the Board. Mr. Justin Frye was nominated to serve as Vice Chairman and all the other Officers will stay the same. 2 December21,2023 LandingsCDD On MOTION by Mr. Walker Douglas, seconded by Mr. Frye, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-01 Electing Officers with Justin Frye Serving as Vice Chairman and All Other Officers Staying the Same, was approved. FIFm ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Agreement with Grau & Associates to Provide Auditing Services for the Fiscal Year 2023 Mr. Flint rioted that the Board selected Grau & Associates as their independent auditor. He explained that their proposal for 2024 was not to exceed $3,100 . He noted that in order to get the audit moving, it was executed. They were asking the Board to ratify it. On MOTION by Mr. Jeffrey Douglas, seconded by Mr. Tobin, with all in favor, the' Agreement with Grau & Associates to Provfde Auditinz Services for the Fiscal Year 2023, was ratified. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Interlocal Agreement for the Collection of Non-Ad Valorem Assessments with the Flagler County Tax Collector Mr. Flint noted that this agreement allows the District to use the tax bill as the collection method eventually for their O&M and debt service. Right now, they are operating under a Funding Agreement, but at some point, that will change. He explained that this agreement allows them to do that. He asked for questions on this item. On MOTION by Mr. Eckley, seconded by Mr. Frye, with all in favor, the Interlocal Agreement for the Collection of Non-Ad Valorem Assessments with the Flagler County Tax Collector, was approved. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS StaffReports A. Attorney Mr. Chiumento had nothing further to report to the Board. B. Engineer Mr. Welch had nothing to report to the Board. Mr. Jeffrey Douglas asked Mr. Welch about the five and six protocol. Mr. Welch responded that his goal was to have the report situated tomorrow. There was a general comment about moving forward. The question was asked ifKolter was going to plan on starting the bond process in March. The response was that they would go to market around then, so they would have to get started after the first of the year. Mr. Flint also 3 December 21, 2023 Landings CDD responded it would ideally be in January, if they can have the engineer's report and the methodology ready. Then, they can set the hearing for the March meeting because it takes a 30day notice. The question was asked when the construction was starting. The response was the construction would start in February. It was noted that Eric wants the eDD to take over to do the construction. The question was asked where JTL was on this. Mr. Jeffrey Douglas responded that JTL was ready to fund as soon as possible. Further discussion ensued and it was noted that the next meeting would be January 19, 2024 at 11 :30 a.m. C. District Manager's Report I, Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. Flint presented the unaudited financials included in the agenda packet through October 31, 2023. No action was required by the Board. There was a question of which developer was paying intothatnowregardingthe $19,564 onpage 1 ofthebalancesheet. Theresponse wasJTL owes the $19,564 as ofright now. There was also a question ofifthe $19,564 was due now. Mr. Flint responded yes; these were funding agreements that have been submitted that haven't been paid. Discussion ensued and Mr. Flint noted that they would need a Funding Agreement. It was noted that there would be three Funding Agreements with three owners within the eDD after it's passed. Mr. Welch was asked to put together a graphic for the Board and Mr. Flint showing the entire area ofLandings eDD as expanded with the three landowners and their respective net usable acres. After further discussion, the next item followed. ii, Ratification of Funding Requests #9 -#13 Mr. Flint presented Funding Request #9-#13 to the Board. He stated that these funding requests were transmitted to the developer under the Funding Agreement. On MOTION by Mr. Jeffrey Douglas, seconded by Mr. Eckley, with allinfavor,FundingRequests #9-#13, were ratified. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being no other business, the next item followed. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests and Audience Comments There being no comments, the next item followed . 4 December 21, 2023 Landings CDD TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Flint adjourned the meeting. On MOTION by Mr. Tobin, seconded by Mr. Frye, with all in favor, themeetingwas adjourned. _--In-.J 1:=~ =;:: Secretary/As ~cretary ChairmanNice Chairman 5